Friedland Moravian Church is a congregation rich in ministries. Please take a moment to review the many options of ministry we have available. Like our worship services, you are invited to participate as you feel led to do so.
The Friedland Choir prepares and leads music for each service. The choir provides a musical offering during Sunday morning worship and the group has additional preparation for special services throughout the year.
Each Christmas season, the choir presents a seasonal cantata in an effort to share the joy and love of Christ through the gift of song. Primarily, the choir sings music written for the traditional four parts (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass), but occasionally relax with less challenging music and sometimes are motivated to learn something of greater involvement. Members are teen-aged and up. Any interested individuals may contact the church office or Nancy Sawtelle (director) at 336.414.5230. Rehearsals are Sunday mornings at 9:45 am.
The Friedland Moravian Band has been a part of the ministry since 1925 and provides music for worship services, funerals, special occasions, as well as playing for the Easter sunrise and Easter morning services. The band is open to all musicians at all musical levels who wish to be a part of this active group. The band is directed by Robbie Alphin, and he may be contacted at 336.602.9982. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7 p.m.

Friedland is blessed to have a handbell choir. In recent years, the handbell choir has had participation in national and international music festivals, and it has presented an annual concert for the congregation and community. If an individual has an interest in joining this dedicated group of musicians, he/she should contact the church office at 336-788-2652. Rehearsal for the handbell choir is on Sunday afternoons at 3 pm.
Friedland Moravian Daycare first opened in the fall of 1989 as a full daycare center for children from 6 weeks to 10 years old. The daycare center is on the northeast side of the church at ground level. There are four age-based playgrounds, a ball field, nature trail, pavilion, and lots of open, shaded areas for outdoor activities.
Center hours are from 6:30 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday. We provide care for children ages 6 weeks through 5 years. Teachers at the preschool have their N.C. Credential for Preschool Teachers and have successfully completed training in CPR and First Aid.
Classes have low student-to-teacher ratios to provide more individual time for each child. Our goal for all children in our care is for them to develop across all areas throughout their time with us. We encourage development by providing opportunities for child-led play as well as more structured learning opportunities such as story time, music and art. Teachers work hard to provide engaging, meaningful, quality care experiences. From circle time, art, stories, and outside play, teachers are ready to help children thrive.

If you would like to consider our center for your child’s care, please contact Friedland Moravian Daycare by phone at 336.788.8433.
Sunday School
Sunday School is available to everyone of every age. Classes for children give them basic Biblical principles, frequent craft opportunities, and musical offerings. Classes for youth are grouped by age. Adult classes are offered in lecture and/or discussion format. Nursery is available. Sunday School begins at 10:00 a.m.
Friedland Moravian Church strives to provide care for babies and toddlers for every worship service and many weekly activities held at the church. The infant nursery (+/- 2 years of age) is located at the entrance to the sanctuary and the toddler nursery is located on the first floor between the sanctuary and the Fellowship Hall.

Youth Fellowship opportunities are available to all young people. Throughout the school year, youth meet on Sunday evenings for a light meal, followed by group studies and activities. Children are grouped by age. The calendar traditionally includes a kick-off celebration in the fall, Trunk-or-Treat at the end of October and a Youth Lovefeast in February.
In addition to Sunday evenings, elementary-aged children are invited to participate in Vacation Bible School (summer) and an Advent Family Night (December). Junior and Senior High youth often have service projects and additional fellowship opportunities throughout the year.
Youth Missions
Friedland’s youth are mission-minded. For a concentrated week each summer, a group of young people travel to the mountains of North Carolina to assist with a wide variety of projects among some of the residents of Alleghany and Ashe counties. In the summer of 2013, a group of youth traveled to Costa Rica to assist with a Moravian music school there. Several of our youth and college-aged students assisted with Hurricane Sandy clean-up in Staten Island, NY, and many of folks are involved in various mission needs within our community.
Many of our youth are self-motivated and assist with Anthony’s Plot, Sunnyside Ministries, and other local mission initiatives.
Senior Friends
Mission Committee
The Mission Committee of Friedland Moravian Church meets monthly with efforts to support outreach ministry and missions. With prayerful, physical, and financial resources, the committee organizes mission opportunities for our church members and generates awareness for various mission causes our congregation and her members support.
Women's Fellowship
The purpose of the Women’s Fellowship promotes Christian fellowship among its members and to aid in the spiritual, social, and financial work of the church at home and throughout the world. All women and girls of the congregation, Sunday School, and community who wish to be associated with the work of Friedland are eligible to become members.
Presently, we offer three circles. On the first Tuesday of every month, except July, one circle meets in the morning and one meets in the evening; the third meets in the morning on the first Saturday following the first Tuesday of each month. Throughout the year, we enjoy dinners together, lead bible study, participate in various fundraising, trim candles for our Christmas Lovefeast, visit the sick and shut-in of our congregation, support missions, locally and abroad, and many other ministries.
Men's Fellowship
The Men’s Fellowship is a Christian organization of the men of the Friedland Congregation. Our essential ministry is to follow Christ’s admonition to “strengthen your brothers” (Luke 22:24-34) as ones who serve in Christ’s service.
We desire to “encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11) through activities of fellowship and worship while providing challenging opportunities for service to the congregation and community.
Parish Nurses
The Parish Nurses formed about ten years ago with the anticipation of educating the congregation and assisting with their medical needs.
This group of volunteers is available for members transitioning from surgery or have specific needs that require some medical assistance. The Parish Nurses have been able to secure some helpful medical equipment and supplies for the church.