Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.

1 John 4:7-8


Pastor John Writes:

During the month of February, we turn our hearts and minds to the words  of 1 John 4, a chapter that beautifully reminds us of the essence of God’s love and our call to reflect that love in our lives.  First, we are reminded of the fundamental truth that love originates from God.  As recipients of God’s boundless love, we are called to be vessels of that love to others.  Our interactions with one another should reflect the transformative love that comes from knowing and experiencing God.


Above all, God’s love isn’t meant to be a passive experience; it’s a call to action.  In response to the overwhelming love God has poured into our lives, we are compelled to extend that love to those around us.  Our love becomes a testimony to the incredible love we have received.


Our love for one another serves as a tangible expression of God’s presence among us.  Through acts of kindness, compassion, and understanding, we make God visible to the world.  It is through our collective love that God’s love is perfected and made known.


Throughout this month, may we intentionally seek opportunities to embody the principles laid out in 1 John 4.  In our families, friendships, and interactions within the church and community, let love be our guiding light.  My hope and prayer is that this month would be a journey of deepening our understanding of God’s love and sharing that love abundantly with those around us.


In Christ,

The Rev. John G. Rights